sql中or语句怎么优化 怎么在django里面执行sql语句?

1160 阅读




首先导入: from django.db import connection 然后创建一个cursor,然后就执行吧。
cursor () cursor.execute(#34select * from table#34) 执行完别忘了关闭连接。
() 我也是Django初学者


语义上是按书写的从前到后顺序匹配的。参考SQL 2006标准的Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation)的6.11 ltcase expressiongt:
2) Case:
a) If the value of the ltsearch conditiongt of some ltsearched when clausegt in a ltcase specificationgt is True, then the value of the ltcase specificationgt is the value of the ltresultgt of the first (leftmost) ltsearched when clausegt whose ltsearch conditiongt evaluates to True, cast as the declared type of the ltcase specificationgt.
b) If no ltsearch conditiongt in a ltcase specificationgt evaluates to True, then the value of the ltcase expressiongt is the value of the ltresultgt of the explicit or implicit ltelse clausegt, cast as the declared type of the ltcase specificationgt.