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he is a friend of mine句式?

is a friend of mine句式?

mine指的是my friends, 整句话原本是he is a friend of my griends. 他是我朋友中的一个。
He is more than a friend of mine. He is in a way my English teacher.
1.前词是后词的其中之一,如:one of the of mine
2.后词是前词的物主,如:This night is the last chance of us. friend of me
3.前词与后词等价或者说后词是前词的具体化,如:a feeling of betrayal;
4.后词是前词的组分、材质,如:flower of paper; chair of iron,
5.类似汉语里的量词,前词是后词的量纲,如:a bottle of water,
6.无很明显的意义,仅用它来指明相关词,如:It is important of you to let us to know the truth。